• Admisssion 2025-26
Hackmarch 2025

Coordinator’s Message

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  • Coordinator’s Message

Greetings from KLE Society’s S Nijalingappa College, Bachelor of Computer Application

It’s a great pleasure to welcome you all to be part of KLE Family.

We, at KLE BCA strongly believe in providing quality education with technology being its driving force that has resulted in considering our college as one of the top BCA Colleges in Bengaluru. The college grooms the latest talents of students to face the challenges of globalization and intense competition

The aim of the college is to provide knowledge, skills, ability, attitude and beliefs that are essential for a productive and successful life. We are committed to maintaining a balance between theory and practice. We also inculcate the ability to think logically and provide good communication skills.

Joining our college which is one of the best BCA College in Bengaluru will expand your horizon, groom your personality and provide the best of the best career opportunities.

Thank you for choosing KLEBCA. Welcome to an exhilarating journey of learning in one of the top BCA College in Bengaluru that is both fruitful and fun.

We promise that you will not only acquire knowledge, but also make memories and relationships that you will cherish for a lifetime.

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