• Admisssion 2025-26
Hackmarch 2025



General Instructions

  • Students should compulsorily attend classes from day one of the semester.
  • Students must sport their identity cards when they are in college premises. Students must wear complete uniform on specified days without fail.
  • Students have to report to classes on time before the start of the period.
  • Students are required to keep their mobile phones in the switch off condition during the class hours. If a student is found using the mobile in the class room, texting or browsing, the mobile phone may be seized and returned to him/her only at the end of the semester.
  • Attendance and Sessional Requirements

  • Students will have two regular tests (internals 1 and internals 2) and one preparatory as per the calendar of events.
  • Students who take part in any of the sports competitions representing the college in other colleges should have a prior permission from the Coordinator.
  • Every semester two parent teachers meetings are arranged on Saturdays to enable parents to attend these meetings. Parents must utilize this opportunity to sort out the academic issues with the respective teachers and help the student regain his confidence levels.
  • If a student is found guilty of any malpractice in the internal test, results in all the subjects of that internals will be treated as null or void.
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